Got a burning question?
Don’t be shy, we’re here to help.
About the Clinic
Have questions about your sexual health? We have welcoming and non-judgmental physicians and nurses who provide comfortable and caring clinical care. Saskatoon Sexual Health runs regular scheduled and drop-in clinics. Please arrive early during drop-in times, these clinics always fill up.
At our clinic, you can access:
- Free Condoms
- Various Birth Control Options including IUDs and the implant
- Emergency Contraception
- STI/HIV Testing
- Point of Care Rapid HIV Testing
- Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Testing)
- Pregnancy Testing
- Early Pregnancy Options Counselling
- Medical Terminations/Abortions
- HPV Vaccination
- Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention
Unplanned pregnancies happen regardless of age, race, religion, and economic or marital status. Deciding whether to have the baby, arrange for an adoption, or have an abortion can be a difficult decision. When making a decision about an unplanned pregnancy, everyone deserves emotional support and a chance to receive accurate and non-judgmental information. Saskatoon Sexual Health is proud to offer free pregnancy tests, short-term pregnancy options counselling, and medical terminations. We are a pro-choice organization and your confidentiality and health are important to us. For more information please contact the clinic.
Birth Control
Saskatoon Sexual Health offers a large selection of birth control options, from hormone-free IUDs to oral contraceptives. Check out our current offerings here. Prescriptions can be obtained from our clinic; however, Saskatoon Sexual Health is always happy to fill outside prescriptions. All you need is a paper copy of the prescription. We also have emergency contraceptives available, and no prescription is required for those.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
There are many types of infections that can be spread through sex. These are called sexually transmitted infections, or STIs. Some STIs, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, are easily curable, but can affect your health and fertility if left untreated. Other STIs, like HIV and herpes, are not curable, but symptoms can be managed to increase quality of life. In Canada, the highest rates and increases in STIs are in young people aged 15 to 24. Saskatchewan has one of the highest rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV in Canada. Sex is a normal and healthy part of our lives; however, if you’re having sex, or are thinking about having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself from STIs.
Saskatoon Sexual Health offers a wide variety of condoms – some are free, others at a low-cost. We have flavored, latex-free, ribbed, coloured, and everything else you could dream of. We are also able to offer bulk condoms to local community organizations and businesses. For more information about our Wrap It Up! SK campaign please visit wrapitupsk.ca or contact outreach@saskatoonsh.ca.
At Saskatoon Sexual Health, we believe that healthy sexuality is not just about birth control and STI prevention – healthy sexuality is also about pleasure. Saskatoon Sexual Health sells a variety of fun and high quality sex toys, available for as little as $5.00. We also offer a wide variety of lubricants and other exciting accessories. Come in and check out our wide selection in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Our knowledgeable staff are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Information for Health Care Providers
As a healthcare provider in and outside in Saskatchewan, you might find it helpful to refer your patients to Saskatoon Sexual Health for the following services:
- Regular STI testing
- Contraceptive counselling
- Access to low cost birth control
- Access to low cost emergency contraception
- Pregnancy options counselling
- Lending library focused on sexual health-related topics
- Sex toy purchases
- Education workshops